Sunday, 8 February 2009

the Reason why

I make a living out of the innocents who describe the deep passions of their lives and leave their IDs on blogs. I am a mole, a digger. My precious Drupals leave in the internet lands so that’s where I go hunting for them. Unscrupulously, voraciously, and of course, randomly.

But thou shalt not steal without paying back. Thou shalt be a good girl and pay the fucking toll before the fundamental laws of the Universe force the. Thou shalt also repent. But let’s not push things too far.

I am writing because I feel my mind slowly becoming a nut covered in smooth silk. Man, I’ll soon address my esteemed mother with “Best Regards, Yours Truly” and then put in a smiley after a three words line. Brain activity needs to be there. Otherwise, what’s the point in abstaining from booze?!

I am writing in a random manner because my inner world is random and because I am sure the universe is too wonderful to ruin it by imposing some artificial order on it. And also as a result of my quasi-total incapacity to focus.

I am also writing because I made a trade. Centuries of oppression and prejudice may have scarred the ethnical anima, but a trade it’s still a trade. (I traded my blog for two others, but this is a mere detail.)